How to check my email?

There are two basic ways for checking your email hosted by label Hosting. You can either use one of the web-based email clients provided with your hosting account or a local email client like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.

In this section you will find answers of the following questions:

How to access web-based email clients?

To access the web-based email clients you need to type  Example:

You will need to type your username and password.

Login to the mail

Once you login, you can choose between Three web-based email clients:

  1. Horde - one of the most functional web-based email clients
  2. SqurrelMail - its user interface is similar to google
  3. Roundcube - its user interface is similar to Yahoo

Note: To login securely to the web e-mail interface, use Please note that it is possible that your Internet Service Provider is blocking port 2096. In case you cannot reach that address, please use

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