Create Email Accounts

You can easily create e-mail accounts from your hosting account Control Panel (cPanel). Here is what you need to do:

 Step 1: Log into your cPanel

 Step 2: Once at the main page, click on the Email Accounts icon.

creating mail in cpanel


Step 3: In the fields provided, type the name of the account, the password and the disk space you would like to assign to the mailbox.

creating mail in cpanel


Step 4: Click the [Create] button to create the mailbox.

You will be taken to a page which asks you for confirmation. Click on Yes to create the mailbox.

How to remove mail accounts

There is no problem to remove any added email accounts.

To delete a mail account, simply click on the [X] button next to it.

delete mail in cpanel

You will be taken to a page which asks you for confirmation. Click on Yes to delete the account.


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